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Volux Penile Enlargement FAQ

Understanding Juvéderm Volux for Penile Enlargement

Q: Can Juvéderm Volux be used for penile girth enlargement?
A: Juvéderm Volux is FDA-approved for facial augmentation, its use for penile girth enlargement is off-label but it works well for this purpose.

Procedure and Effectiveness

Q: How is Juvéderm Volux administered for penile enlargement?
A: When used for penile enlargement, it is injected into a space just underneath the skin of the penis.

Q: How effective is it in increasing penile girth?
A: It is very effective with most patients getting meaningful results after one treatment.

Safety and Side Effects

Q: Are there risks or side effects associated with using Volux for penile enlargement?
A: Yes, risks may include swelling, bruising, asymmetry, infection, and potential impact on erectile function. Discussing these risks with a healthcare provider is essential.

Duration of Results

Q: How long do the results last?
A: The duration of results from dermal fillers can vary, but typically, they last 12 months to 2 years. Periodic touch-ups may be necessary to maintain the desired girth.

Candidate Suitability

Q: Who is a suitable candidate for this procedure?
A: Ideal candidates are generally men who are in good health and have realistic expectations. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to determine suitability.

Recovery and Downtime

Q: Is there a recovery period or downtime after the procedure?
A: Some downtime may be required, and activities like sexual intercourse may need to be avoided for a period following the procedure. Usually 1-2 weeks.

Detailed Procedure

Q: What does the procedure of using Juvéderm Volux for penile enlargement involve?
A: The procedure involves strategically injecting Juvéderm Volux into the penile shaft underneath the skin. The number of injections and the exact technique will depend on the desired outcome.

Pain and Comfort

Q: Is the procedure painful?
A: During the procedure there is minimal discomfort. Post-procedure, there may be some tenderness which typically subsides within a few days.

Comparing to Other Fillers

Q: How does Juvéderm Volux compare to other fillers for penile enlargement?
A: Juvéderm Volux is known for its viscosity and durability, which might offer more significant enhancement in girth compared to some other fillers. However, results and preferences can vary, and it’s crucial to discuss options with your practitioner.

Pre-Procedure Preparations

Q: Are there any preparations required before undergoing the procedure?
A: Your practitioner may advise you to avoid certain medications like aspirin or NSAIDS or supplements that could increase bleeding or bruising. Maintaining good hygiene and following specific instructions provided by your clinic is also essential.

Post-Procedure Care

Q: What does aftercare involve?
A: Aftercare typically includes avoiding strenuous activities, including sexual activity, for a recommended period. Keeping the area clean and following any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider is crucial.

Frequency of Treatments

Q: How often will I need to repeat the treatment?
A: The longevity of results can vary. Some men may choose to have additional treatments after 12 months to maintain the desired girth.

Risks of Overcorrection

Q: Is there a risk of overcorrection or uneven results?
A: As with any cosmetic procedure, there’s a risk of overcorrection or asymmetry. However Volux is reversable so overcorrection or asymmetry is usually easily fixed.

Consultation and Evaluation

Q: What should I expect during the initial consultation for Juvéderm Volux penile enlargement?
A: During your consultation, Dr. Sullivan will discuss your goals, assess your suitability for the procedure, explain the risks and benefits, and outline the expected results. It’s also a time for you to ask any questions and express concerns.

Long-Term Effects

Q: Are the effects of Juvéderm Volux for penile enlargement permanent?
A: No, the effects are not permanent. Juvéderm Volux, like other dermal fillers, will gradually be absorbed by the body over time. The duration of the effects can vary, but generally, touch-up treatments may be required after a couple of years.

Sexual Activity Post-Treatment

Q: How soon after the procedure can I resume sexual activity?
A: This can vary, but generally, patients are advised to refrain from sexual activity for a week, to allow for proper healing and to minimize the risk of complications.

Sensation and Function

Q: Will the treatment affect the sensation or functionality of the penis?
A: Properly administered treatments should not negatively impact penile sensation or functionality. However, it’s crucial to discuss this aspect with Dr. Sullivan.

Regulatory Approval

Q: Is the use of Juvéderm Volux for penile enlargement FDA-approved?
A: No, the use of Juvéderm Volux for penile girth enhancement is considered off-label and is not FDA-approved for this specific purpose. to discuss the implications of this with your healthcare provider.

Potential Complications

Q: What are the potential complications of this procedure?
A: While rare, potential complications can include infection, bruising, swelling, asymmetry, and, in very rare cases, damage to penile tissue.

Psychological Impact

Q: What is the psychological impact of undergoing penile girth enhancement with Juvéderm Volux?
A: The psychological impact can vary. Many men report increased confidence and satisfaction, it’s important to have a realistic expectation and understand that self-esteem and body image issues may not be resolved solely through cosmetic procedures.


Q: Are there alternative methods for penile girth enhancement?
A: Yes, other methods include different types of dermal fillers, fat grafting, or surgical options. Each has its own set of risks and benefits that should be considered.

The journey to a more confident you starts with one decision. And if you think girth enhancers or girth shots might be that choice, why wait? If you’re on the fence or have questions brewing, remember: We at GetMoreGirth are always here to help. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at GetMoreGirth – we’re here to make you your best!

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