Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is widely used in medicine for treatments as different as hair loss and joint repair. Let’s look at what PRP is, how it works and if it is useful for penile augmentation. The basics of PRP are simple. PRP involves concentrating the growth factors for your own blood and then injecting them back into your body. PRP promotes healing, regeneration and repair. PRP is not a miracle treatment that is useful for everything. It’s important to understand PRP’s limitations, what it does and what it does not. Let’s look specifically if PRP works or is useful in penile enlargement.
What Is PRP?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentration of the plasma that is enriched with platelets and growth factors. Platelets are a type of blood cell that promotes clotting but they also play an important role in wound healing. They do this by releasing growth factors for tissue repair and regeneration. PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood.
How is PRP Done:
1. Blood Collection: The first step is that a small amount of your own blood is drawn. Just like when you go to the lab for blood work
2. Centrifugation: The blood is then centrifuged. This is where the blood is spun at high speeds. The centrifugal force causes the blood to separate its components. The platelets are separated from the red cells and white cells. There is usually more than one centrifuge cycle.
3. Concentration: The concentrated platelets are drawn up with a small amount of your own plasma. This is the PRP solution.
4. Injection: The PRP solution is then injected back into the body where we want to promote repair and regeneration.
Growth Factors and Healing
As we have already noted platelets contain growth factors, and these are released into the tissue when they are injected. These growth factors can do many things including:
– Promote cell proliferation by encouraging the growth and division of cells.
– Promote the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis).
– Stimulate the production of collagen and other connective tissue matrix components.
You can see how these actions could: 1) Help with orthopedic injuries by enhancing the healing of tendons, ligaments, and muscles. 2) Promote hair growth in both men and women and 3) Rejuvenate skin by improving texture and reducing the signs of aging.
PRP for Penile Enlargement
PRP has been marketed for penile enlargement, for example the “P-Shot” (Priapus Shot). The idea is that PRP and its growth hormones enhance blood flow, promote tissue regeneration and improve erectile function. Although PRP may do this it has no actual impact on penile size. You will notice that PRP is never used alone for penile enhancement or augmentation. It is always used in connection with other treatments. It is the other treatments in these cases that are working to make your penis thicker. At GMG we believe that if your goal is a bigger thicker more girthy penis that PRP is not where you should invest your money. PRP therapy is expensive and has no impact on penile size. Some will suggest that it makes the other treatments work better. Maybe, but there are better less expensive ways to promote healing after penile enhancement. These include: 1) Stop smoking 2) Have a healthy diet high in protein and fruits and vegetables 3) Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising and getting enough sleep.
Unlike PRP which indirectly promotes enhancement, dermal fillers are the direct approach. With even one syringe of dermal filler, you get immediate results. You will see a noticeable increase in girth immediately after the procedure. If you have all the money in the world than sure why not do PRP but dollar for dollar an investment in filler is always going to yield more girth gains than PRP. Consider this: With dermal fillers when one syringe (1 cc) of filler is injected into the penis you get 1 cc in gains with PRP your just getting “improved healing”
PRP and Penile Enlargement?
While PRP therapy is effective for some medical applications, it is not the most effective option for penile enlargement. Spend your money on what works. Investing in dermal fillers is the better choice.
At GetMoreGirth, Dr. Sullivan focuses exclusively on girth enhancement with dermal fillers to provide our patients with the best possible results. Dermal fillers offer immediate, long-lasting, and natural-looking results that can significantly enhance your confidence and satisfaction. At GMG we believe that your money is better spent on a proven method that delivers substantial and reliable results. Don’t wait be bigger today!