Penile Retraction also known as turtling is a normal response to stress, anxiety and cold. We are all the familiar with this shrinkage when our penis seems to draw upwards. Some men experience more retraction in the normal course of life than others, but it is a completely normal response by the body to certain stimuli. Unfortunately, too much retraction after a penile enhancement can lead to suboptimal results. Below we will discuss current treatments to prevent retraction and steps we take at GetMoreGirth to give you the best possible results.
Penile Retraction After Penile Enhancement
Penile retraction, commonly known as turtling, is when the penis shrinks or retracts into the body. This retraction is primarily present when flaccid. Turtling is caused by several factors. Cold, stress, anxiety, and some medical conditions all can cause turtling. Turtling doesn’t affect the size of your penis at all, but it can make you feel self-consciousness especially if you are smaller to begin with. Penile retraction is also a concern in that it can potentially affect the outcome of an augmentation procedure. Too much retraction or retraction that is persistent can lead to bunching of the newly injected filler.

Botox for Penile Retraction; Brotox
Botox, or botulinum toxin is commonly used to treat facial wrinkles, but it also can be used to prevent retraction. This treatment is commonly known as “Brotox”. How does Botox treat both wrinkles and penile retraction?
Botox works by paralyzing your muscles. When you relax the muscles of the face that cause wrinkles, the wrinkles soften or even disappear. In the case of penile retraction, Botox is used to relax the smooth muscles in the penis and scrotum. When you are nervous, stressed or cold these muscles contract pulling the penis inward. Botox paralyzes these muscles and prevents them from contracting so the penis does not retract.
Botox: How Does It Work:
The Botox is injected along the shaft of the penis primarily at the base and in the dartos muscle of the scrotum. The treatment is fast and painless. It takes 1-2 weeks to become fully effective and the results generally last 3 to 6 months.
Tadalafil for Penile Retraction
Tadalafil (Cialis) is best known for treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Tadalafil relaxes smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the penis resulting in improved erections. Tadalafil also helps retraction or turtling. This same mechanism of action that makes tadalafil useful for ED helps with penile retraction after enhancement procedures. Tadalafil works by relaxing the smooth muscles in the penis and scrotum making them less contractile, so the penis is not pulled inward.
Tadalafil: How it Works.
To prevent retraction Tadalafil is prescribed at a low dose. The same dose that is used for the treatment of BPH and daily ED treatment. At GMG we give it to most patients undergoing an enhancement and ask that they take it for 2-4 weeks.
Combining Botox and Tadalafil
Using Botox and tadalafil together can provide a synergistic effect in preventing penile retraction after enhancement with dermal fillers. Both Botox and Tadalafil reduce muscle contraction in the penis and scrotum, and together are even more effective. Treatment helps with retraction but does not eliminate it.
Penile retraction is an important consideration following penile enhancement with dermal fillers. Botox and Tadalafil can effectively prevent retraction by addressing muscle contractions and improving blood flow. At GMG we evaluate you has a whole patient and address your specific needs so you have the best penile enhancement/enlargement procedure possible. Don’t wait, call today and BE BIGGER!