Flaccid vs. Erect

A common question we get at GetMoreGirth is: should the procedure be done while flaccid or erect? Although different physicians have different perspectives on this, and the even though the topic has generated much discussion on various forums such as Phalloboards.  The main reason people advocate for erect injections seems to be a believe that it will lead to a more even outcome erect. At GMG we inject in the flaccid state for several reasons we will share below. Mainly we believe that you should look great flaccid and erect and that you physician should make that happen no matter what. There are advantages and disadvantages to injecting flaccid and advantages and disadvantages to injecting erect so let’s go over them.

Flaccid Injections

First, it easier to work with a flaccid penis as it is easier to manipulate. It can be stretched. When there is an erection there is less space for injection of the filler, there is less room to maneuver so to speak.  As so injection into the flaccid penis requires less force or pressure to inject the filler. More forceful injections are associated with a higher likelihood of nerve or vascular damage. The second reason flaccid is preferred is patient comfort. Achieving and maintaining an erection is almost an impossibility in the office setting without the use of medications. Imagine trying to get and then maintain an erection in during a medical procedure. Medications can be injected into the penis to induce erection, but this creates a whole new set of potential complications. One serious potential complication is priapism and because the corpus cavernosum is penetrated prior to the filler treatment the risk of infection is increased. The majority of physicians perform enhancement injections while the patient is flaccid. This method is more commonly practiced and might be considered standard. The flaccid penis changes shape and size significantly as compared to its erect state. In theory this can lead to uneven distribution of the filler the physician is not experienced. However, an experience physician like Dr. Sullivan knows how to place the filler when flaccid so it looks great erect. Also remember it is equally important that the penis look good both flaccid and erect. Theoretically it might be difficult to spot areas that need correction when the penis is not erect, as certain uneven areas may only become apparent in the erect state.  However, there may be problem areas that not visible when erect, as bunching may occur when the erection goes down. If you treat erect there may be issues flaccid and if you treat flaccid there may be issue erect. The key is not the state you treat the penis in but instead the skill of the treating physician.

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Erect Injections

Some suggest that thn erect penis allows the practitioner to better visualize and address any asymmetries or problem areas during treatment thus ensuring a more even distribution of filler. However, Dr. Sullivan, knows how to place the filler when flaccid, so it looks great erect. With the penis erect, any immediate issues with filler distribution can be seen immediately but remember many issue with uneven distribution arise from post care so it is common almost expected to need a touchup. Achieving and maintaining an erection during the procedure can be uncomfortable or if not impossible without extra medications and thus extra risk. The hardness of an erect penis can make the injection process more challenging leading to less filler placement and increasing the risk of complication.

Other Factors

Several other factors play a role in the flaccid vs erect debate. Probably the most important is physician preference. Sometimes there is not a clear right or wrong answer to how a procedure is performed. This is where the preference of the treating physician is the deciding factor. Remember It is common to experience minor asymmetries following a penile girth enhancement procedure. At GetMoreGirth, we advise patients to anticipate needing a touch-up to achieve the desired perfect outcome. Many times it is not needed but patients should plan for the possibility The skill and experience of the doctor also plays a crucial role in the success of the procedure. Look for practitioners with extensive experience in penile augmentation at GMG we know how to make you look great both flaccid and erect. Finally don’t forget to follow your post op instructions to the T. Following these instructions can helps minimize complications and unevenness.


At GetMoreGirth, we believe the best approach for performing penile enhancement procedures with PMMA is with the patient in a flaccid state. This method allows our Dr. Sullivan to achieve a precise and even placement of the filler. Using the flaccid technique also enables placement a greater amount of filler and eliminates the use of an unnecessary medication. We advise patients to anticipate a possible touch-up session to fine-tune the results and achieve the perfect outcome.

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