Can the Procedure Affect Sexual Sensation or Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Can the Procedure Affect Sexual Sensation or Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

One of the top questions men have when they are considering penile enhancement is how the procedure will affect function and sensation. Makes sense right?  At GetMoreGirth we understand your goal is to get bigger but not at the expense of function.  So, let’s answer these two questions in depth so you feel confident about moving forward with the procedure.

Does Penile Enhancement Affect Sexual Sensation?

Most patients experience no change in sensation and about a third report increased sensation. At GMG, no one has reported decreased sensation. The fillers are placed in a layer of tissue in the penis, which is above the structures responsible for erectile function and sensation. This ensures that the nerves responsible for sensation remain unaffected

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Increased Sensation

About one-third of patients report an increase in sexual sensation following the procedure.  The improved sensation is due to the increased friction from the enhanced girth. If you’re bigger there is going to be more friction of course. The additional girth results in more contact and stimulation during sex.  This directly enhances pleasure for both you and your partner.

Improved Confidence

When you are bigger you are more confident and, as the saying goes 50% of sex is in your head. The increased confidence men derive from being bigger can unquestionably positively affect sexual performance. Feeling more confident about how your penis looks and feels reduces performance anxiety and leads to better sex.

Partner Satisfaction

Although men boast about their length, it’s girth that matters. Studies and surveys of both female and male partners show that what improves partner satisfaction is girth or thickness. When you are thicker you are better able to stimulate you partners sensitive areas.

Does Penile Enhancement Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The treatment has no impact on erectile function, positive or negative. Penile enhancement has no effect on erection quality positive or negative. The penile anatomy is designed to protect the important nerves of the penis and the erectile bodies. These vital structures are surrounded by Buck’s fascia. This is a tough layer of connective tissue that protects against penetration or damage. During an enhancement the filler is injected deep to the Dartos fascia just underneath the skin but above the Buck’s fascia. By using this “safe” zone for injection you are insured that there is no effect on erection quality.

Just as importantly penile enhancement will make you thicker but is NOT a treatment for ED. There are many excellent treatments for ED or poor erection quality. If this is a concern we strongly recommend you seek the care of a urologist.

Realistic Goals

It’s important to have realistic expectations about what penile enhancement can do for you and what it can’t do. It will make you bigger and thicker. It will not make you longer. It will make you more confident in and out of bed. It will increase friction and sensation for both you and your partners. It is very likely to make sex much better.  It will not fix ED. At GMG we think it will really change your life and how you feel about yourself.

Can the Procedure Affect Sexual Sensation or Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Penile enhancement will not reduce sensation or cause erectile dysfunction. Most men have no changes in sensation and roughly one-third report increased sensation. Almost everyone reports increased self-confidence satisfaction with the procedure. Because the procedure is performed in such a way as to avoid all the vital structure critical to erectile health, there is no effect on you erection quality. At GMG we know you will be thrilled with the results of the penile augmentation. In fact, we know you will regret not having done it sooner so don’t wait. Call us today!

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